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○ AhNerd ○
Never Say Never

○○ Real Name: Arnold ○○ Stats: 1.90m, 69.0kg 18.80 BMI Healthy ○○ Army rank: 3rd class Sergeant, BMTC 2 Pegasus Coy, BSLC Kilo Coy, ALSC Juliet Coy, Dragon Coy ○○ Nicknames: Nerd, Sian, Ahnerd, Panjang, long bean ○○ 22 years old ○○ School: Princess Elizabeth Primary-Yishun Town Secondary-Sinapore Polytechnic(Biotechnology) ○○ Hobby:Cycling, playing games, swimming, captain's ball, running, rock climbing, eating ○○ Games currently playing: Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 2 ○○ Looking forward to battlefield bad company 2 ○○ Libra ○○ Year of the rabbit ○○ Damn slacker

~~Th!ngs ! w@nt +0 D0 !n My l!fe~~ ○○ Sky Diving ○○ Bungy Jumping ○○ Camping(not in singapore) ○○ Hiking ○○ Roller Blade Professionally ○○ Teach ○○ play with more guns

~~WiShEs of ThE Nerd~~ ○○ Fix my damn com ○○ Excercise more ○○ Play more ○○ Watch for NS ○○ New no cam Handphone for NS ○○ More Money ○○ Girlfriend ○○ New Graphic Card ○○ build my own com ○○ New monitor Screen ○○ 40 inch FULL HD TV ○○ Semi-Pro camera (10MP) ○○ Playstation Portable ○○ long lasting MP3(I Pod touch)

~~My Dream Computer~~ ○○ GTX 260 ○○ 4GB DDR3 Ram ○○ 2TB Hard drive space ○○ Core i7 3.2Ghz ○○ Razer mouse, logitech G15 keyboard and razer pad ○○ windows 7 ○○ 22" monitor ○○ altec lansing speakers 2.1

~~Achievements~~ ○○ 21km - 2hr33mins ○○ 15km - 1hr40mins ○○ 10km - 56mins ○○ 4km - 20mins ○○ 2.4km - 9.20mins ○○ Napfa - 29 Points ○○ IPPT - GOLD 8.9s SR, 49 SIT UP, 285cm SBJ, 15 pull ups, 9.20mins 2.4 run ○○ SOC(full run down) - 7min 40s

~~Food Recommendation~~
Food Food and more Food

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Today was a tiring day, maybe it's because of the swim. well i challenged myself to see how many laps i could go within an hour. well i got 40 laps. not much but 30 of the 40 was freestyle while the other 10 was using the breaststroke style. next time when i swim again, i gonna aim for 42 laps.

Yesterday, the f1 took place. got to admit it was damn exciting, because i got buy. i bought the winning margin between 0-5.99sec so the first and the second car cannot be more than 6sec apart. at one point the gap 20sec was so far that i totally lost hope, until someone crashed. this allowed the safety car to be deployed meaning the lead of 20 sec is gone. so it was back to square one. but i almost got a fright when the second car was so slow, i almost lost it again. luckily the first car played it safe for the last lap so i eventually win lol. yesterday there were 3 crashes(1 ferrari) and lots of entertainment lol. if u missed it, i dont know what to say. even my grandmother watch abit lol... although she dont understand the meaning of driving round and round and round...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

countdown 3 weeks before another marathon. die no time to train liao, so much things to do, and when i feel like going for a run, the weather dont permit. lol what the hell lol. hopefully i can complete the 15km without any cramps if not die liao. but we will go there to participate and not to compete so walking is also an option lol :p

my birthdays just 6 days away. although it's a one day event but i feel that everyday is my birthday. 21 years old so what, got the freedom so what. still stuck having to go NS and than have to plan on whether to work or study. after turning 21 is like having not much freedom, stressing a lot, growing white hair and retire. but we have to live life to the fullest. for me i am enjoying everyday, watching tv, playing games, blogging and also sleeping. if poly is stressful than working is nothing compared to that. earning money is already hard, but surviving is crucial. money is important but it does not always makes you happy. hopefully when i enter the working industry, i will have enough money to live my happy life with my wife and a few kids.

but i must find a girlfriend first. yup finding a girlfriend may be hard, but i dont think it is that hard. a guy must be open not be shy, which i am. a guy must not expect so much from their girlfriends. same for the girlfriend as well. has they must share same opinion, adapt to one's lifestyle, cherish one another, and must respect them as well. and most importantly give way to one another than they can tie the knot. it will be a life time relationship so we have to choose the right partner.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i've recently sign up for another marathon, the new balance which is on 19 oct. i need to train up but i am always not free or too tired to train but hopefully we will complete it and get the t shirt:p

it's been long since i last used my desktop computer, i've tried to figure out the problem. but the problem keep persisting. so i had it checked at the computer shop, turns out all along it was the hard drive. i've tried reformatting it like a couple of times but it still dosent work. damn furious not be able to use my desktop for games :p.

i've been thinking of getting some old games, but i dont know where to get it. i want to get lord of the rings:the witch king. it came out in 2005 if i am not wrong but i am not sure where to get it. i want it new and original so i will have a hard time searching for it.

i've just came back from swimming, quite tired though doing freestyle for 25 laps. other than swimming, i also jog, badminton, blog and play computer games. these are my hobby for now. it will keep changing when i find it bored. for now i am bored playing counter strike, cause i find that there are too many hackers in CS. i really hate hackers. cant stand them, cannot play so they hack, bunch of losers. i just want to get my com fix so i can play my other games which need higher graphics. i cant wait for next month, cause it will be my birthday, and government giving me ang pao. haha...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

in this world, u meet people with different characters. 2 types of person in this world, ugly and nice. it's always good to be nice to other people but we should not expect the same treatment to us. that will be selfish right. one should not be too nice to a person or else you would have to treat the person nice all the time. we should always learn to say no. the word no is a very negative and yet it can be a very nice word. it all depends on the tone.

well i learned a lot in my part time career. well you see i've encounted numerous types of customers. the good one and the bad one. i've worked in macdonald, carrefour, shop n save and many other more. well i am always a nice person when i work but dont expect me to be too friendly all the time. i too can sometimes be vulgar. thats where people dont see the other side of me. i dont really like using vulgarities but sometimes it comes out naturally especially when i am furious or mad. when it comes to customers who are those irritating type or kuailan type really deserve to be hoot or beaten up. i've encountered numerous number of customers, especially the auntie and the uncle. once i worked in macdonald, the customer ordered filet o fish without sauce so it's a special order. so it needs time to be prepared. so i went on to do other orders first. while trying to finish new order, the special order was taken by another counter. i didnt see that la but the customer did. so he was mad lol, i told him it wasn't my fault cause i was busy. you know how busy macdonald can be even on normal days. so the customer complain complain complain, so i ignore him lol. i ask the cooking auntie to faster make another one. at that point i wanted to ask him to shut the F up cause he was making a lot of noises. when the burger came i quickly pack his things than give to him. lucky i good guy, so i said sorry la. than he still wanted to be a F***er, complain all the way till the escalator, saying dont want to come this branch liao, the staff like shit one la, so slow... all the rubbish things lol. ask him go F*** off la.

but most of the time i will meet good customers. sometimes i will talk to them, laugh laugh a bit. play around, have fun lol. thats what i like about macdonald, i had a lot of fun lol. i am always nice towards customers no matter what they do. i treat them good especially the small children. well their ice cream will be a deluxe heavy one. ok all the ice cream looks the same but theres a technique to it. well i played cheat ok, i know a technique to feel up the entire cone, while it looks the same. i also over pack the fries, and give lots of mayonaise. not like some give one packet so selfish. anyway not my money so give lol. when my friends come, i ask them what they want to eat. i tell them just order one drink, and the meals will be free. heres how to cheat. i ask them to come during peak period, so there will be a higher chance of not enough burgers. so the customers will normally wait at their seat while i wait for the burger. so i will pack the tray with food, drinks fries and dessert than i will tell my manager i go serve the customers. so one drink maybe about $1.60, i can keep them full and also, let them ta pau lol. good to work inside macdonald. but now cannot do this cause everywhere very strict got camera all over, steal one nugget also will die lol.

so next time, when u meet a F***er, just ignore them, and if you cant ignore them, just take them as air blowing pass the ear (dang zuo er pian fong)in chinese lol.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tomorrow i will have a job and i will get paid. my job is very difficult. assist someone that is welding the metal. that's all i have to do. my task is to stand there and act as though i am working. so difficult enough that i am gonna get paid around 80 dollars just to do that.

Well the job came from my father's business. this company, which is quite big orders it's products from indonesia. the company in indonesia, provides the accesories and the skeleton of the machine. it's like ikea table, they provide the parts. and the company in singapore fix all the parts together. well, the quality made in indonesia is similar to the one made in china. so when they open the pellet up, they find many faults with either the machine or the workmanship. the company in singapore is dealing with machines for ships, big ships, so the standard and the quality must be there. the boss wants top quality one but the one provided by indonesia is shit(you get what i mean). this company in singapore has a contract until at least 2015 to provide machines to the ships, so it must be on time. well since the machine comes in shit condition, the company in indonesia has to bear the responsibility of paying the repairs. so thats where my father comes in. well my father is a 3rd man party.

some faults such as rusty metal and poor workmanship. so my father will take this parts, send to his friend's place to get it done. he will just have to sit in the office or find some other jobs for the business. but it's not as simple as you thought. the singapore company boss wants a high quality, workmanship so my father has to search around for good companies. lucky for him, he got his contacts and he knows his business well. so for the rusty metal, to remove the rust. you would have to sand blast with either sand or glass(seriously glass), it looks like sand but under the microscope it is real glass. so they will blast the surface of the metal to remove the rust. but doing that will expose the surface to air and moisture so it will rust again. the second process will be either applying oil to prevent the contact of moisture on the surface or to apply a layer of metal. well there are different metal, but the best is to use stainless steel. the company will use a heater to melt the metal until it turns liquid. than like a spray brush, will coat the metal with a surface of metal. the liquid metal will solidify immidiately because of the temperature difference. than it will have to be cooled and it will be ready. this type of jobs are the best to earn money for my father's business.

when i work with my dad, i get to travel around, meet customers, see how the business is run, get opportunities to go inside the factory and the best thing, i get to off when i like haha. some factory restrict visitors from entering their premises. i went to this biotech company called lonza which manufacture some kind of drug. let me tell you that their factory is huge. i literally have to walk about 15mins just to get to the other end. oh ya it has huge machines about 3 story high (not 3 story HDB height, 3 story factory height), thats how huge the machine is. and the pipes from the machine is like a snake never ending to another gigantic machine. but they have not start operations yet, when they do, they will even be more strict. i would have to wear the lab coat, another coat, shoe cover, cap goggles. it's like entering a space station. well the biotech company is looking for shelves. not just any other shelves. this shelves must be steady, easy to fix, will not rust and must withstand weight. well my dad has this racks, they are made of plastic. this is not ordinary plastics, they are high quality industrial grade plastics. it will not corrode or rust, can withstand 200kg for every meter, and is as easy to install, just like a kid playing with lego. it's also light portable, replacable. it's not cheap if you want to put it at home but they need it. this is a big company so it need a lot of shelves. great for my dad.

We also went to another company called camel. you know the camel brand nuts. sweet nuts salted nut, mixed nuts, what ever nuts they have it. my father wants to sell them the oil filtration. well oil can also be spoiled just like any other food. normally factory will either replace the oil every 3 days, or the will filter. filtering aint cheap but you got to outweigh the benefits of it. you see oil contains fatty acids and fats, good and the bad fats. why frying, especially when dealing with flour, micro particles from the flour will remove make the oil more cloudy. sometimes this makes their product look different from the first batch of oil. the colour will be different the taste will be different. not good if you are dealing with nuts. you wont want to eat different flavour of cashew nuts right. so oil filtration will remove this tiny little particles that turn the food bad. also it is good when auditors come. if they see the oil like kopi-o colour, the company will confirm die one lol.

you see sometimes it is also good to know what your parents are doing. most of the time it is quite sian but it is also exciting. so maybe next time i sure tell you more about the journey with my dad. :p

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lol just completed my run dont know why damn tired maybe it's because of the sun but i only ran 3.4km. far from my previous running distance but got to start all over again because i 2 weeks have not been running. but i am motivated to run even more lol.

my room is a total mess i got 3 laptops in my room and if my computer is fixed, that makes it four com. with lan wire connecting to the laptops, wire for power supply, wire for speakers, wire for printer i tell you my room even more messed up. its not my fault if the room is messy. i just have too many things in my room to be tidy and neat lol. dont know why keep asking me to clear my room. my notes all went to senoko power plant liao.

here are some pictures...

Heres my classmates before Poly 50 run

Here are my nephew and niece when they were younger

This is what happens when you got too many music files on your desktop

Here are some pics of the National Dog Walk 2008 (i didn't went)

they got many dog things there, got dog food, dog accesory and of course many many dogs there lol. got big dog, small dog, medium dog, cold dog, hot dog you name it they have it. but i wasnt there lol. i think i was lazying around haha...

Since i got so much free time haha i post more pics lol. this one is my holiday with my uncle and my cousins to beijing and hong kong. first we went to beijing than to hong kong where we spent our new year there.

Changi airport (my family)

Changi airport (my cousins and uncles)

On transit to beijing from hong kong(have to wait a few hours for the next flight and we travelled damn far for the next flight walk, still needed to take their "mrt" to the next terminal.

Me and my mom before taking the flight. she is trying to make me "tall" lol. if u look closely the end of the terminal very far away. walk also very jialat. lucky not much hand lagage.

After reaching beijing, the stupid bus instead of taking us to the hotel, took us to the repair shop. until now i dont know go there for what. so while waiting we took this few shots.

They brought us to one street dont know what street cause i cant read, than bring us go candy shop buy candy so stupid. oh ya milk rabbit sweet dont buy hor later get kidney stone.

This street sell mostly chinese new year decorations. aiya make in china one who wants to buy, some more singapore got so many cheap cheap one. and they also sell stupid things lol.

Dont know why they take this for what nice meh, my grandmother can do better than that.

I stood there like a real idiot lol. this street totally not for teenagers. this one all the tai tai street got all the small little cute cute things.

This pic damn nice. the lake frozen during winter, so people got nothing to do, they dig one hole. put the fishing rod and bait put inside and wait for fish. although frozen but still got fish lol. and u can also ice skate on the lake. something you cannot do during the summer.

lol same as the one i saw at discovery channel. they always do the same trick.

We reach this place to see this rock called pa da ling. i dont know what it means for cause i cant read lol but i can guess 8 bells lol.

We at last reach the icon of china. the great wall of china. whoever build it must be damn bloody idiot. the nearest toilet is at the enterance. if u walk all the way up and you need to find the loo, you have to climb all the way down. damn it why no escalator. reaching the top is damn difficult. some more where all the thick clothing.

another icon, tiananmen square. stupid mao zedong picture there. why not put yao ming picture there at least people will pay money to take picture with him. on that day it snowed abit. like dandruft falling lol but only for a short while

Another icon, forbidden kingdom. the place damn big lol took like 1 hour to reach the other place, some more the tour guide say not the end yet like half way only.

tour guide say got a picture of something on the rock. dont know what is it, if you can see pls let me know what is it.

Lover's tree. if you make a wish especially love, it will come true.

Undergound city below beijing. there are many paths very long distances underground but too bad also got secret tunnels which they dont let us go to. but it leads throughout beijing.

Tomorrow if i free i will add the Hong Kong part lol...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today is sunday, i just change my blog skin. at least this one looks better. i also learned how to add friend's link lol. pretty noob when i say such thing but i am learning lol.

dont know why i woke up so early about 10am. normally i can sleep until 12+ during the holiday but dont know why today cannot. maybe downstairs too noisy but since i got nothing to do, i will write a new entry lol.

Pretty sian not knowing what to do, when my enlistment, seriously cant wait to get into army but i have to train up first. i have not been running for like 2 weeks. well i got many escuses. first is got work, work with my father by the time come back very late. second thing weather, this few days hot lol, too hot so i stay at home. sometimes rain also so cannot jog. i dont know whether i wan to go for the new balance run. i know only 15km but got to take note of how much is in my bank account lol. i want to work like part time maybe a few days or over the weekend earn extra cash but i will stick to working with my dad for the time being.

Every saturday, my cousins and my nephew will be coming over to my grandmother house for dinner. like a family gathering of 4 generations. well normally the adults would sit at home and watch TV. while me being the big bro would bring them go play. play playground play badminton all the activity u will normally see a young kid playing. but i have to say they are one crazyily loud bunch of little rascals lol. very noisy sometimes hard to control them, and the worse too many of them hard to control them. some dont like to follow ur instruction, some will run on his own. crazy lol if u were me.

And lastly, my phone W960i can go crazy at times but i still like my phone haha...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

yesterday was my sis birthday. i went to work with my father and i drove him around to customers place. went to many places yesterday. while i work with my father, my sis was out playing which is normal for a person who is having a birthday. we ate hew york new york, lol their portions was like damn big. my dad ate most of it.

after my sis birthday, i drove to east coast for BBQ. was like damn late lol reach there around 9+. before the bbq i went to the factory near senoko behind my house to buy otah. bought 50pcs. my dad said not enough but i dont think my class mates will eat much lol. but haha we manage to eat about 10 so 40pcs left at home.

The BBQ was normal got hot dog, seaweed chicken, crab stick normal normal lol. didnt want to eat much not very hungry after the new york new york. but i brought my dog along to the bbq. well he was the star attraction. some of my classmates adore him lol. i told them that my dog will listen to them if they offer him food. well my dog has motion sickness. he vomited 3 times while in the car. once on my friend haha, and it smells like chicken. well my dog sat in the car for at least 3 hours lol. i drove to east coast park took 1 hour. went telok blangah, chua chu kang yew tee upper thomson than back home another 2 hours. altogether 3 hours in the car surely will have motion sickness. but yesterday was a fun day lol.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i've just checked my result. not bad considered i slack a lot. but i've got to say this out loud, I'VE GRADUATED. Lol its been 7 semester of memorizing lame notes. some makes no sense but we have to memorise. some so long, it takes weeks to memorise. some so poorly written, it makes you wan to give up. some lectures are so boring, it makes you wan to either sleep or skip lesson. some lecture can be teach at home, the lecturer reads from the powerpoint slide similar to what we have. But too bad i've graduated so sayonara Sucker Poly. i am gonna play and sleep till i reach my enlistment date sadly until now i've have not recieved.

But time to show off.

Sianz is my nick

trying to be humble

My house

Guppy fingerlings means guppy baby lol

Friday, September 12, 2008

Heres some of my pics that i wanted to show.

My mom with in her room folding the laundry

My dog tearing up my notes

My DBT classmates year 3 last sem

My parents

My cousins wedding

My cousin's husband's friend's ang moh baby

My nephew and nieces

My dog playing the shake baby thing

My dog's first birthday

My dog's pitiful look

My dog awkward sleeping position

His resting place

And lastly...
A crazy women standing near the edge of the MRT platform

Monday, September 8, 2008

i've manage to organise all the files in the computer so that it will run faster. especially the one in my dad's office. i've been doing lots of running around with my dad, see how my dad's business is going. well my dad is getting along just right so hopefully we can sustain the business. well my dad works alone, only some help with my mom and us(me and my sister) trying to take care of the family business. we also dont want to laze around at home doing nothing so its good to help my dad.

the exam results coming out soon sept 17 if i not wrong. hopefully i wont forward any module which i dont think will. but "cross fingers" hope to pass all the module and get out of the freaking poly.

my com is still down, i can try reformatting it but it will take a whole day which until now i dont have so when i got the free time, i will try to repair it somehow.

i have been also excercising at home jogging at least 5km 3 times daily. got to clock up the distance on my nike sports band. so far i have only clocked 65km total. soon it will be 100km i cant wait to run more. love running haha. but i think i wont be taking part in running events. why? no money lol. cant afford to pay $85 bucks for the run lol. i just wan to run freely whenever i want and for how long i want. just wan to be fit before NS.

i got to spend more time with my cousins and my nephews and nieces. we went to safra on last wednesday went swimming, went bowling and even indoor rock climbing. it was damn fun lol and very tiring. imagine swimming for 2 hours play bowling which was free(no joke) and rock climbing. i tell u its worse than running 10km. but damn shiok lol. but all this was sponsored by my cousin lol. $200 on all of us lol. can buy a new camera lol. but fun lol next time i will upload my pics in plus my old old pictures some damn nice lol. maybe i will put in some baby pics lol haha cant wait...

○ Music Zone ○

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Techno
Free Counters
Free Counter

○ Buddies Zone ○

toto(my family Joker) my sis (my family Joker) Michelle (my family Joker) Wai Wai (FYP Joker) Bao (FYP Joker) Jack (Real Joker) Chelsea (DBT Jokers) zhi hao (DBT Jokers) Yu Feng (DBT Jokers) Kar Mun & Yan Ming(DBT Jokers) Qi Lu (DBT Jokers) Shirlene (DBT Jokers) Fu Da (DBT Jokers) Roslinda (DBT Jokers) Shi Ling (DBT Jokers) Wan Wei (DBT Jokers) Hui Zhen (DBT Jokers) Malcom (NS BMT Jokers) Melvin (NS BSLC Jokers)

○ Scream Zone ○

○ Events Zone ○

○ 24 Dec to 27 Dec - Penang Holiday
○ 6 Jan 09 - Enlistment date
○ 10 March 09 - Passing Out Parade BMT
○ 1 January 10 - New Year
○22 Feb to 27 Feb - Excercise
○3 March to 14 March - Leave
○1 April - IPPT

○ Past Zone ○

September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 March 2010

○ Credits ○
AvaZeVassyRossa Trademark
designer&basecodes&colors: AvaZeVassyRossa