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○ AhNerd ○
Never Say Never

○○ Real Name: Arnold ○○ Stats: 1.90m, 69.0kg 18.80 BMI Healthy ○○ Army rank: 3rd class Sergeant, BMTC 2 Pegasus Coy, BSLC Kilo Coy, ALSC Juliet Coy, Dragon Coy ○○ Nicknames: Nerd, Sian, Ahnerd, Panjang, long bean ○○ 22 years old ○○ School: Princess Elizabeth Primary-Yishun Town Secondary-Sinapore Polytechnic(Biotechnology) ○○ Hobby:Cycling, playing games, swimming, captain's ball, running, rock climbing, eating ○○ Games currently playing: Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 2 ○○ Looking forward to battlefield bad company 2 ○○ Libra ○○ Year of the rabbit ○○ Damn slacker

~~Th!ngs ! w@nt +0 D0 !n My l!fe~~ ○○ Sky Diving ○○ Bungy Jumping ○○ Camping(not in singapore) ○○ Hiking ○○ Roller Blade Professionally ○○ Teach ○○ play with more guns

~~WiShEs of ThE Nerd~~ ○○ Fix my damn com ○○ Excercise more ○○ Play more ○○ Watch for NS ○○ New no cam Handphone for NS ○○ More Money ○○ Girlfriend ○○ New Graphic Card ○○ build my own com ○○ New monitor Screen ○○ 40 inch FULL HD TV ○○ Semi-Pro camera (10MP) ○○ Playstation Portable ○○ long lasting MP3(I Pod touch)

~~My Dream Computer~~ ○○ GTX 260 ○○ 4GB DDR3 Ram ○○ 2TB Hard drive space ○○ Core i7 3.2Ghz ○○ Razer mouse, logitech G15 keyboard and razer pad ○○ windows 7 ○○ 22" monitor ○○ altec lansing speakers 2.1

~~Achievements~~ ○○ 21km - 2hr33mins ○○ 15km - 1hr40mins ○○ 10km - 56mins ○○ 4km - 20mins ○○ 2.4km - 9.20mins ○○ Napfa - 29 Points ○○ IPPT - GOLD 8.9s SR, 49 SIT UP, 285cm SBJ, 15 pull ups, 9.20mins 2.4 run ○○ SOC(full run down) - 7min 40s

~~Food Recommendation~~
Food Food and more Food

Friday, October 31, 2008

last day of the month, well this month i enjoyed a lot. went out with classmates, went out with friends, play games and slack at home. what a live right. well i still have 66 days left before all this goes away. but before i go in, i am gonna train till there's no tomorrow. better to suffer now than suffer later. 66 days like a lot actually it's not. well i wont miss chinese new year, just that i will be botak and more black lol. lol my relatives will be asking who is that chao ta botak guy. cant wait for enlistment la feel excited and nervous at the same time. it's like the new chapter in life better than studying lol.

Well i recieved a letter from navy, they ask me to sign on got all the incentives $20k-$25K but navy a bit no life. cause have to sail around the world. if got family, than this ljavascript:void(0)ife not worth it. i prefer army lol. maybe i will sign on maybe i will not but i will have to see what happens in BMT. if i can become officer than i will sign on, if not i will consider.

I've been training the past week after i recieved the letter. lol i managed to clock up 27km this week, hopefully i will be able to clock up 35km by sunday. but i managed to improve my timing. every time i run, i run around 9km. my timing was 52mins for the first run, 51mins for the second, but today i managed 48mins. i've been improving on my timing, hopefully i can manage below 45mins if possible 40mins. running 40mins is like running 2.4km speed for 10km. almost impossible but i will try. been trying to do some push ups too. this is my weakness. although i swim a lot but i dont know why i just cant do push ups. pull up should be okay for me. the next thing i want to train is to endure sleeping little, something i've not been doing for the past months. but i will try. good luck to me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today met up with my friend jack, went swimming with him and also played at the arcade with him. lol we also ate alot haha but shiok la. i learned that he is now going to become changi airport police. quite slack lol. police got many unit, got K-9 unit got anti-terrorism police, normal neighbourhood police, prison police etc. if i went into the police i will want to go to the K-9 unit lol. damn fun cant wait to go into army.

Hopefully he will be doing this

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Counting down to enlistment date: 70 Days. Means i have 70 days to train up lol. feel normal but when the date draws nearer i will be more kan chiong but now time to enjoy as a civilian and sleep as much as i can. heard from my friends that the first few days will be quite tough and will have sleepless nights. i will be going in during the raining season, hopefully the weather will be cool but not raining when i am training lol. i just cant wait for enlistment. got many freebies lol. got new running shoe, running shirt shorts, uniform(the new digital one), helmet(damn heavy la), pocket knife, big knife(very very sharp), boots and the best a new hair style lol.

Last friday, after work i went to my class chalet lol. met them at changi village to eat. lol i literally ate like pig. char siew rice, chi kuey, carrot cake, stingray, goreng pisang lol. lots of food for me. but enjoyed the night. played games on my friend's wii. haha my friends say i played funny on the boxing game. lol damn shiok la maybe i should get one for my mom. literally played the whole night. and we also did some illegal things, i not going to expose something only me and my friends should keep the secret lol.

My mom me, my sis and my grandma at the singapore flyer. my aunt and dad not in picture

Sunday i went to the singapore flyer. expected that it will be nothing fun. only see the scenery but not really into my thing. but when i got on the flyer, i wanted to bungi jump lol. thinking of bungy jumping, i should at least do it once in my life, and also to sky dive lol. great ambition haha.maybe when i got enough money i should go do that lol. back to the flyer, nothing spectacular la. if u want to get your money worth than maybe should wait for the IR to open and should go in the night at least u see the lightings. but for now let the tourist go take lol. oh ya there the shops nothing to buy, very stupid things except for the bear shop. which my mom bought the shorts meant for the bear but she gave it to my dog instead. well it fit perfectly cause the bear and my dog around the same size. so after the flyer we went to novena square to find my watch. i always wanted a new watch, well i got mine at last for $130. i still like casio lol but i know that this watch must withstand the army life so i better get a slightly better watch. after the watch my family went to eat fish and co. well it is my first time eating there. but i can tell u the food range not as fantastic la. i couldn't find the meal that when i look at it, i will be drooling. but i ordered salmon with rice, not bad la but oily. my mom says natural oil. but i should give credit to their cakes man. damn good la some more got 20% discount. we ate chessecake lol damn sadap la.

monhday i went swimming with my dad and my friend zhi. after that ate and watch movie. the movie we watched was tropic thunder. the story is a comedy cum abit of action. but i felt that the movie was quite lame and boring at times. seriously it was quite lame for most of the time. the hilarious parts was sometimes either lame or too short. the story line was stupid, and the actors plain stupid. so my verdict on this movie stupid to go watch it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

just recieved my enlistment letter. the dooms day is 6 Jan 2009. like less than a week after new year. cool man got 2 and a half months before enlistment. have to train up though heard that my camp damn jialat. but at least i recieve my letter liao wee shiok.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today just finish the new balance real run at changi. got a timing of approx. 1hr 48mins. the sun damn scorching hot. can sun tan while running lol. i hate this stretch of road which was like 1 over km long no trees no shelter and the water point is half way. so you will be running like shit before the water point. i think that their flaw is their starting timing. when we started, the sun was already up. cant imagine how i made it through. oh ya i went with my friend, class mate and his friend. was damn tired to even get a drink. haha but it's over glad i made it through. i may be thinking of another run but should be either 21km or less i cant tahan the full marathon yet. damn shack now.

last thursday i saw the movie max payne. give u my reviews. damn stupid, damn boring, damn fustrating, and damn confusing la. overall ask the director go to hell la. the story is all about a stupid drug. might as well take panadol and get high, stupid movie. one of the worse action-thriller movies ever, totally waste of time and money. if u are still eager about watching the movie, i recomend you the next hot movie, james bond. although james bond movie all almost the same, but the action is the difference. just dont watch max payne. i give it 2/10 totally bullshit.

started installing all the games into my com, well if i have the time i will play them, if i am bored i will change game. haha but i seriously into games right now after my com is fixed. cant wait to play more.

now damn shacked and tired after the run, slept less than 3 hours yesterday. i think i am off liao. seeya!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
14/10/08 games

Lol so long i never blog. haha been playing games recently. bought 3 new games, FIFA 09,


and lord of the ring game.

lol so many games right. haha i got no time to play them all. especially when i am also playing my old game BF2142. lol very busy at home lol. no school what to do play lol. work not the type for me now. i just wan to relax enjoy life.

I have been also gambling(small) on soccer and especially F1 race. lol damn fun when u see cars crashing. just like my driving game GRID. well for the F1, if you crash, you cannot restart so it's damn fun la. for the F1, i have won 3 times in a row. first i bought 0-5.99s winning margin for the singapore race. the result alonso win by 3 or 4 sec. than i bought kubica to be in the top 3 and bought 0-5.99sec again. end up kubica was 2nd and alonso won again by 5.7sec. haha i was like 0.3sec away from losing lol. but alonso slow down thats why i won haha. winning is so damn fun lol.

Since i got so little time left after playing damn a lot, my room is in a mess again. my mums love to nag at me for not putting the clothes on the hanger, packing my bed, my table messy, cannot find this cannot find that. lol no time ma what to do.

My friend all started lessons again. lol thinking of lessons, must be damn damn damn damn X 10times sian lol. so sad for them thinking about sitting in the room listen to stupid lecturers talk talk talk. can't believe that i went through 3 and a half years of SHIT. but haha i am gone from that dreadful place haha. damn happy now dont know why damn damn happy lol

Sunday, October 5, 2008

yesterday for my birthday, i bought 80 dollars worth of meat for bbq, knew we couldn't finish but bought it anyway, had a chicken cutlet marinated with hawaian and mango sauce. the hawaian was damn shiok i tell u. i think my family ate all of it, we got standard chicken wings, marinated pork ribs, sambal fish, sambal prawn and mash mallows. still got cake, it was a wield combination of mango and banana cake. the banana cake was sweet, the mango was abit sour but quite okay though. for my birthday gift, i wanted a watch for army, but my cousins and relative dont know what to buy for me so they give me ang pao. not bad though the amount collected was around 600, more than 3 years of chinese new year ang pao collection. some more it's only on one day.

lol i am damn old liao, go into army become old bird lol. still haven recieve my enlistment letter yet. i will wait abit more if i dont recieve i gonna call them. i dont wan to wait too long. i just wan to go to another step in my life lol. but yesterday was a great day.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

this entry is officially on my birthday. haha turned 21 today but i feel no different than any other day. it will be quite a busy day today, got to get all the things for my bbq this evening, hopefully it will be a good evening. but i am tired now i cant think much, this few days i've not been sleeping much due to work and going out. but since it's my birthday and i have lots of things to do, i will have another less sleep night. hopefully , when i wake up, i will get all my stuff done.

Today went back to SP to play captain ball with my friends. it was a match between the seniors versus the junior. damn tired after 4 rounds of 20 minutes of running and jumping but damn shiok to see some of my friends who have been in the army. some of them are officers which i want to be. most with short hairs lol, standard throughout the army. but we had a good game.

i think i sure end here, damn shack and tired lol cant wait to get onto the bed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

i've got to say this, it's been in me for very long. people have always underestimated me, physical and mentally. physically i am weaker than most people(before) and i am taller(outcast from singaporeans) so i belong to the weaklings. well i was pissed off with my uncles and my aunties during last chinese new year visit to my grandmother's house. well my family has a good record for having officers in the army, navy and commando unit. so there has always been high expectations for us guys. my cousin who is tthe same age as me is an officer in the commander unit. his mother or my auntie is a bit show off type. like to present his son to his relatives. but what pissed me off is she asked the telephone number and ic of my another cousin(younger) than me to see if my cousin(commando officer) to help him enlist into the commander unit. she didnt even ask me. than her excuse for not asking me is that i am too tall and look physically weaker to be in the commando(i presumed). she said i am too tall, might as well i be medic or admin. i was fuming, but since we are relative, i dont want to cause a commotion.

Yes i am physically weak, but that was last time. run with me, see who wins. play with me see who wins. swim with me and i will beat you flat. sometimes this arrogance have to be ignored, take it as wind blow pass your eyes. i am gonna prove to them that a tall nerd who plays games everyday can still make it in the army. just prove it to them and make them shut the fuck up!

so thats what i have been hiding inside of me, somethings have to be brought out if not it will stay in you for eternal.

i begin to appreciate the hardwork of some people and the things they do. one example, my parents. they have been working hard to earn a living, feed us with food and extra things. spend time with us, take care of the daily needs. work is one thing where we have to earn for a living, but time is more important. parents have to allocate and spend time with their children, something that i am proud my parents has done. my mom, has always teach me the virtues of a human being, my dad has always though me about the righteousness of a human being. so both my parents have done a wonderful job raising me my sister and now another brother in the house. we are learning from them every single day and have grown wiser. so guys, if you are reading this blogs, respect your parents. even though they may sometimes be naggy, irritating, make no sense, they are still your parents and have always will be your parents...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

today is public holiday. went to swim, watch a movie and played the whole day today. the pool was crowded though, very hard to swim. but swam a couple of laps.

just want to comment about the movie i watched. the show i watched is eagle eye. i think this is one of the good movies after batman. the action is cool, it is not very long winded, the story plot is smooth and easy to follow. this is directed my stephen spielberg and i should say it was a good movie. this show is recommended for those seeking action thriller movies. 8/10....


End of the month and tomorrow is a public holiday. at least can enjoy a bit more lol. 4 weeks and a half weeks have passed since my last paper, well kind of enjoying this so called holiday. well i done many things and learned a lot in the process. getting to know the art of business. meet customers with different characters good and bad. well there is also the art of making money, strategise everyday's work to maximise profit. the art of convincing people, earn their trust and earn more money. well i should say this month company expenses has already been cleared for the month of october. but we must press on for more money. small business like my dad one will try to survive every month rather than earning money. yes earning money is one, well u can have a lot of profit for this month, and if next month is a bad month you will die. so it's always good to have capital around.

Well the company my dad is working has only been established for 3 years. well it was establish with my uncle's (my dad's brother) capital to set up a company to earn profit. well u see my uncle is a third man party supplying spare parts to oil rigs around this region. so he gets a commission for that. so either he save the money in the bank or invest in business. so he decided to set up the business. well my dad works as the sales as well as the engineering side. he takes care of the sales while the accounts or paper work is done by my aunt.

our monthly revenue, has to be somewhere between 8k to 10k to survive every month, but this three years has been tough. my dad works alone in sales, so he will go to the customers place to find some business. well it is not easy to find business. u must know what to sell, who to sell, when to sell. it is always not easy to set up a company if you don't know what u are selling. but sadly, the first few years, the company was losing money. we were losing money until my uncle told my dad, that it was time to close shop. well he see no point as the money he was investing was going down the drain. so he stopped giving money to the company. my dad, poor thing, he invested lots of time into the company, he alone stayed up the latest earn money for the company and he was told to close shop. but my uncle told him that since the beginning of this year. so my father has been surviving this little bit of money left in the bank until now. this month my uncle is going to transfer the ownership to my dad, and my mom together they are going to run the company, to survive every month. so all the money that we profit, it ours to keep, and all the lost is for us to bear. so this few months especially since the last year, our pockets are tight.

well let me tell you about the dark secret of the company. you see my auntie which does the accounts is also appointed the director of the company, so as a director and the accounts, she can have access to the funds in the company. so all the expenses and when i say all the expenses such as personal were taken into the company's expenses account. means food, leisure is charged under the company accounts. totally crazy if you have limited funds in the company. expenses, such as dinner lunch mrt all under expenses account, personal things like son's mrt top up, personal handphone line, starhub cable television, swensons, batam food all under company's expenses. this is totally bullshit right. every month her personal spendings are even more than her salary.

That's not all. she cannot do things on her own, she needs someone to tell her before she does things. she goes to the office, read newspaper, bowl water, clean her table and boom one hour gone. she sits there read the emails, and do invoices. she leaves whenever she likes like 2 pm or 3pm. she also takes leave whenever she likes. she does stupid things like paying bills twice, submitting driver's particular of my father to the land transport authority for summon's my father did not commit. she punch holes on cheques and do not check whether there is invoices to be done. all this has to be corrected by my father, yes my father alone to do all the ammendments and the correction. totally waste of time and expenses of the company. even a part timer can do better than her. cheque to be issued such as car park season parking has to be paid on time, no we have to wait very long for the cheque. writing a cheque can be how difficult 12 year old can be taught how to write a cheque. it was totally disappointing to see fund flying like that. hard to earn money siphon by my relative. there's nothing can be done to retrieve the money amounting to thousands of dollars. NO JOKE!!! thousands of dollars, in fact can ammount up to 1K a mouth for 2 years on her personal expenses. cool right.

well now the ownership has been transferred to my dad and my mom, we can see it is a family company now. everything from now on involves the family, every one plays a part in the company. from the small things or the sai kang job, to the sales has to be done by my family. this is gonna be great to involve us whole. i cant wait and i hope that my family business will prosper in the years to come and hopefully bloom too.

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○ Buddies Zone ○

toto(my family Joker) my sis (my family Joker) Michelle (my family Joker) Wai Wai (FYP Joker) Bao (FYP Joker) Jack (Real Joker) Chelsea (DBT Jokers) zhi hao (DBT Jokers) Yu Feng (DBT Jokers) Kar Mun & Yan Ming(DBT Jokers) Qi Lu (DBT Jokers) Shirlene (DBT Jokers) Fu Da (DBT Jokers) Roslinda (DBT Jokers) Shi Ling (DBT Jokers) Wan Wei (DBT Jokers) Hui Zhen (DBT Jokers) Malcom (NS BMT Jokers) Melvin (NS BSLC Jokers)

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○ Events Zone ○

○ 24 Dec to 27 Dec - Penang Holiday
○ 6 Jan 09 - Enlistment date
○ 10 March 09 - Passing Out Parade BMT
○ 1 January 10 - New Year
○22 Feb to 27 Feb - Excercise
○3 March to 14 March - Leave
○1 April - IPPT

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AvaZeVassyRossa Trademark
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