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○ AhNerd ○
Never Say Never

○○ Real Name: Arnold ○○ Stats: 1.90m, 69.0kg 18.80 BMI Healthy ○○ Army rank: 3rd class Sergeant, BMTC 2 Pegasus Coy, BSLC Kilo Coy, ALSC Juliet Coy, Dragon Coy ○○ Nicknames: Nerd, Sian, Ahnerd, Panjang, long bean ○○ 22 years old ○○ School: Princess Elizabeth Primary-Yishun Town Secondary-Sinapore Polytechnic(Biotechnology) ○○ Hobby:Cycling, playing games, swimming, captain's ball, running, rock climbing, eating ○○ Games currently playing: Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 2 ○○ Looking forward to battlefield bad company 2 ○○ Libra ○○ Year of the rabbit ○○ Damn slacker

~~Th!ngs ! w@nt +0 D0 !n My l!fe~~ ○○ Sky Diving ○○ Bungy Jumping ○○ Camping(not in singapore) ○○ Hiking ○○ Roller Blade Professionally ○○ Teach ○○ play with more guns

~~WiShEs of ThE Nerd~~ ○○ Fix my damn com ○○ Excercise more ○○ Play more ○○ Watch for NS ○○ New no cam Handphone for NS ○○ More Money ○○ Girlfriend ○○ New Graphic Card ○○ build my own com ○○ New monitor Screen ○○ 40 inch FULL HD TV ○○ Semi-Pro camera (10MP) ○○ Playstation Portable ○○ long lasting MP3(I Pod touch)

~~My Dream Computer~~ ○○ GTX 260 ○○ 4GB DDR3 Ram ○○ 2TB Hard drive space ○○ Core i7 3.2Ghz ○○ Razer mouse, logitech G15 keyboard and razer pad ○○ windows 7 ○○ 22" monitor ○○ altec lansing speakers 2.1

~~Achievements~~ ○○ 21km - 2hr33mins ○○ 15km - 1hr40mins ○○ 10km - 56mins ○○ 4km - 20mins ○○ 2.4km - 9.20mins ○○ Napfa - 29 Points ○○ IPPT - GOLD 8.9s SR, 49 SIT UP, 285cm SBJ, 15 pull ups, 9.20mins 2.4 run ○○ SOC(full run down) - 7min 40s

~~Food Recommendation~~
Food Food and more Food

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Lunar New year to all. this years new year is like any other new year. kinda boring. only happy thing is collecting ang paos. this year got recession so got fewer ang pao. but i dont really care how much i got. even the count down towards the new year, i was busy playing call of duty. every year is the same songs. kinda of sick of chinese new year. tradition lol, have to follow what to do.

tomorrow which is the second day of the new year, i have to book in. why because the next day, i have field camp. morning i have to march 8km to the camping place. followed by digging pits, make the tents, and settle down on the same day. will be damn tired so i will rest while i still can. damn how i wished i had more time. but at least in the army still got some buddies to rely on. lucky my buddy aint that bad. if i get those selfish JC nerds, i wouldn't want to go back. so it's back to kenna tekan and more excercise lo. time to see if i got improve for my 2.4km.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today went to army market to get my stuff. but before that went swimming with my pals again. didnt really swim that much because i know field camp and ippt coming out. so it's eat and rest time for me. so after my swim went to army market. went to the first stall, bought my things. i think i was cheated cause i only bought a few items from the shop. it's like day light robery. next time i wont visit that stall again.

After that went for some window shopping at sim lim. knew what i wanted. eyeing on the games as well as the computer. someday when i have the money and the time, i will build my own com. sounds crazy but i really want to do that. first is to save 2000 dollars first, that will be my personal budget. hopefully it will not exceed. i want to get a quad core processor, hopefully a good mother board. two internal hard disk(one for storage, one for system), an average dvd player, a 9800GTX+ graphic card, 2 X 2GB DDR2 or 2 X 3GB DDR3 if i can afford, a nice looking cpu casing, a good gaming mouse and keyboard(preferably razer), another 22inch monitor screen with altec lansing speaker 5.1 if i can afford. thats my dream machine.

Games that i have yet to buy because of time constraint is GTA and Call of duty 5. starcraft 2 is also coming out but i guess i have to wait on that as well. it just sucks when you dont have the time to play the games you want. life just sucks right. to me nah i dont think so. it's just the next step in life. living life to the fullest.

Friday, January 23, 2009

yo guys whats up. it's me ahnerd. back from camp. still living and breathing. 2 weeks of intense physical training. time to relax and rest. cause my whole body is aching. well i've already done my live range shooting. the feeling is damn cool. it's damn scary at first but it's hell a lot of fun.

in ns, you will get a lot of tekan. they say confinement week, not much punishment. but, ns is ns they talk but dont follow. kenna tekan many time. started doing push up on the second day because some JC kids cannot follow orders. some of them like to wayang meaning act in front of commanders but at the back cannot really do things. some really damn jialat have to shout at them to get them moving. some of them really cannot think, they go no sense of urgentcy. some worse really nerds. just follow order. commander ask them to suck thumb, they will really suck thumb. my bunk mates most of them i've already make friends but only for some. really cannot tahan. from hwa chong some more. really have no sense of urgentcy and also like to wayang a lot. want to go ocs, what to do.

i've also did route marching 6km with full battle order. meaning carrying the bloody heavy field pack. but actually it's all about getting used to. and time really pass during the route march if you sing and have fun. the best song to sing is 1 more day to book out day. haha our company is the earliest to book out. other company have to wait until friday or saturday to book out. pity damn have to eat the shit food and also kenna tekan. so now i sure enjoy my chinese new year holiday resting, collecting ang pao and playing games. anything about ns, can find me.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Counting down

9 days and counting down.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Currently In Camp

Ahnerd (my brother) is currently in camp at the moment till his next book out time/day, 22 Jan 2009.
Don't worry, whoever of you whom feel like sms-ing him, you still can! :D

p.s: i miss my brother already!

6 Jan 09 Enlistment date

Today officially my enlistment date. only 3 hours away from being at tekong. sad to say this will be my last post as a civilian. but i sure enjoy my "holiday" at tekong. will be back next friday/saturday hopefully. and i will keep posting my experience inside when i come out. good luck to me and good luck to all(especially those doing their FYP). SEE YOU SOON.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2 days left for NS or 32 hours left. went out with friends for supper and also went out with poly friend for dinner. showed them my new hair cut. haha. had a lot of fun with them. soon i will be inside, they will be too. they are stressing over their FYP which is due in 2 weeks time. me, i am due in 2 days time. sad to say how time pass so fast when you are having fun. from the day i recieved my enlistment letter till today has really passed quickly. had a lot of fun, playing games, going out, supper-ing and chalets. what a wonderfull life. soon it will be different. hope to get good bunk mates, hope the intructor not so tough. and all the best for your FYP. left only few weeks more before you can so sayonara to the most irritating, most annoying and most time consuming piece of shit in poly life. and all the best to me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year

First i would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone

on New year's eve. 2 events happened in my area. first i was meeting my sis for lunch at a nearby coffee shop. i was crossing the road. i saw 2 people pushing each other. at first i thought they were just playing, new year's celebration mood. but after a few push one of the guy fell onto the grass. as i look cloers, it turn out to be a malay teenager small size trying to run away from this bangla worker guy. than a little behind about 50metre behind got this "mata" or police man jogging towards them. end up i realise this malay guy did something wrong. the bangla worker trying to stop the malay guy from running. the bangla much bigger than him, pushed him onto the grass patch easily lol. the malay guy tried to stand up and run. the bangla pulled his hand and wrestle him to the grass again. lol the police man finally after half an hour(damn slow lol, he was jogging not even running) reached the two man, handculfed the malay guy and took him to the side. than i saw another police man across the road. the police man look very chuan or tired lol. both police man looked very chuan after the chase but still managed to get the target.

i thought police man very fit one, or maybe i thought only la. i think they just sit in the police car, everyday drive around patrol, go house after recieving noisy neighbour complain, all the small small thing. i thought they most of them are those fit fit one like you see in the channel 8 show. the actor, chinese guy, wushu champion, appear on men's health magazine, that 8-pack macho looking guy one. i guess most of the police aint that fit la but i cannot say that there are none.

ohh back to the second event. i live in blk 469 also got blk 469A and 469B. heard from my neighbour and my parents that someone jumped from 469A lol. dont know whether suicide or accident but they say is in the afternoon. lucky i was out lol. i normally walk my dog in the afternoon near the place. if i walk half way hear one piang sound. i tell you i sure have nightmares one. but luckily i was 5km away lol.

5 days to enlistment

○ Music Zone ○

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○ Buddies Zone ○

toto(my family Joker) my sis (my family Joker) Michelle (my family Joker) Wai Wai (FYP Joker) Bao (FYP Joker) Jack (Real Joker) Chelsea (DBT Jokers) zhi hao (DBT Jokers) Yu Feng (DBT Jokers) Kar Mun & Yan Ming(DBT Jokers) Qi Lu (DBT Jokers) Shirlene (DBT Jokers) Fu Da (DBT Jokers) Roslinda (DBT Jokers) Shi Ling (DBT Jokers) Wan Wei (DBT Jokers) Hui Zhen (DBT Jokers) Malcom (NS BMT Jokers) Melvin (NS BSLC Jokers)

○ Scream Zone ○

○ Events Zone ○

○ 24 Dec to 27 Dec - Penang Holiday
○ 6 Jan 09 - Enlistment date
○ 10 March 09 - Passing Out Parade BMT
○ 1 January 10 - New Year
○22 Feb to 27 Feb - Excercise
○3 March to 14 March - Leave
○1 April - IPPT

○ Past Zone ○

September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 March 2010

○ Credits ○
AvaZeVassyRossa Trademark
designer&basecodes&colors: AvaZeVassyRossa