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○ AhNerd ○
Never Say Never

○○ Real Name: Arnold ○○ Stats: 1.90m, 69.0kg 18.80 BMI Healthy ○○ Army rank: 3rd class Sergeant, BMTC 2 Pegasus Coy, BSLC Kilo Coy, ALSC Juliet Coy, Dragon Coy ○○ Nicknames: Nerd, Sian, Ahnerd, Panjang, long bean ○○ 22 years old ○○ School: Princess Elizabeth Primary-Yishun Town Secondary-Sinapore Polytechnic(Biotechnology) ○○ Hobby:Cycling, playing games, swimming, captain's ball, running, rock climbing, eating ○○ Games currently playing: Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 2 ○○ Looking forward to battlefield bad company 2 ○○ Libra ○○ Year of the rabbit ○○ Damn slacker

~~Th!ngs ! w@nt +0 D0 !n My l!fe~~ ○○ Sky Diving ○○ Bungy Jumping ○○ Camping(not in singapore) ○○ Hiking ○○ Roller Blade Professionally ○○ Teach ○○ play with more guns

~~WiShEs of ThE Nerd~~ ○○ Fix my damn com ○○ Excercise more ○○ Play more ○○ Watch for NS ○○ New no cam Handphone for NS ○○ More Money ○○ Girlfriend ○○ New Graphic Card ○○ build my own com ○○ New monitor Screen ○○ 40 inch FULL HD TV ○○ Semi-Pro camera (10MP) ○○ Playstation Portable ○○ long lasting MP3(I Pod touch)

~~My Dream Computer~~ ○○ GTX 260 ○○ 4GB DDR3 Ram ○○ 2TB Hard drive space ○○ Core i7 3.2Ghz ○○ Razer mouse, logitech G15 keyboard and razer pad ○○ windows 7 ○○ 22" monitor ○○ altec lansing speakers 2.1

~~Achievements~~ ○○ 21km - 2hr33mins ○○ 15km - 1hr40mins ○○ 10km - 56mins ○○ 4km - 20mins ○○ 2.4km - 9.20mins ○○ Napfa - 29 Points ○○ IPPT - GOLD 8.9s SR, 49 SIT UP, 285cm SBJ, 15 pull ups, 9.20mins 2.4 run ○○ SOC(full run down) - 7min 40s

~~Food Recommendation~~
Food Food and more Food

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi guys, back from Pasir lebar camp. here's my experience in SISPEC. first few days i still few the sadness, didnt really wanted to talk to anyone. didnt even wanted to introduce to myself. i feel so lost, imagining why am i here, what am i doing and what i am suppose to do next. lunch, didnt really feel like eating, i didnt feel like doing anything seriously.

but after getting to know one another, i feel like home. the training wasn't even training at all. we were slacking this week. the only training we did was a 3km run in the morning and also IPPT which i got gold. thats all. i can feel the slackness in my company. don't know whether is welfare company or not. yesterday got 3 canteen breaks + 1 and half hour lunch break. today morning PT, a bit rain cancel, go for breakfast. everything is so slack. maybe is the first week but thats how i wanted it.

the food there is also better than tekong, but dont know why others say tekong better. maybe they have poor taste. most of my section in bmt are in SISPEC, but we are seperated. but i got new friends, time to enjoy my stay with them in SISPEC.

Friday, March 20, 2009

yesterday my dearest grandma passed away. she was found in her living room. i was there when we found her. abit tramautised by the sudden lost of her.

the previous day she brought up soft chicken bones for my dog and now she is gone. she recently gave me a $1.90 shirt which i will treasure always. she used to cook for me and my family. always proud of me and always feeding me well. i will always miss her food, always miss her hug, always miss her nagging and also, i will miss calling her ma ma. when we were young, she would visit us weekly, and i really hated her nagging. but now i appretiate it more and i will always remember the times i had with her. eating yuki yaki with her, eating out with her. i would like to thank her for the love she has given us and i will miss her always. i love my grandma forever and ever. I LOVE YOU GRANDMA. see you on the other side.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
my army life

Life as a recruit always suck. that's what people have told me and that's what i will tell you. in the beginning, you worry what type of friends you would encounter. selfish types, helpful types, nerd types or even 302(gay) types. you worry will you be able to endure waking up at 5 in the morning sleep less than 6 hours each day. you worry whether which company you will enter, either a welfare company or a garang company.

Once inside, you got a new life. everything changes. from pulling your bedsheets, cleaning the bunk, washing clothes to doing independent things on your own. than you start to wonder can you take this SHIT for another few months. worse thing is, punishment. sometimes for no reason, you get 20. the worse feeling is they do the 20 because of your silly mistakes. 20 is the maximum they say, but they can bend the rules. down 20, recover, down 20 again, recover and again another 20. all this depends on whether you enter a welfare company like me or you enter a garang company. what sucks is the basics of doing things. like folding you uniform to make a smart fall (folded Uniform), this simple things irritates you because you will keep folding and folding it until it is perfect. took me at least an hour. forget hot or warm showers, cold ones especially freezing cold one during raining days. no more coke or gas drinks, all you will have is water and sometimes canned drinks (not much to choose from). every meal you think whether the next meal are nice, but no matter how terrible the food is, you still have to eat it. western food are nice, muslim food are much better most of the time, so pick muslim food if you can.

they make you run, do sets of excercises (CPT1 and CPT2) to build your body strength and increase you stamina. they make you run, and when you are tired for walking slowly they will ask you to down another 20. that's army. but the fun part of army is, you get to do things, civillian cant. like shooting a rifle, throwing a grenade, sleeping in the wilderness. rifle range was a adrenaline rush, so is grenade throwing. but i hate field camp so much, i wish there wasnt any more for the rest of my army life.

6 days in the wild, sleeping in tents build by yourself. this tents are made after you completed 8km route march and worse still during lunch time when the weather is damn hot. they make you redo the tents and redo-ing it again until they feel much satisfied. you get to eat ration food, already packed. some are awful, some are damn nice especially the spicy food. for the desert, they add gelatine to preserve the food. looking at the expiry date makes me puke. it can last for the entire year without the food turning sour. worse of all, the rations are always too small. so we have to fill our stomach with dry buscuit. forget cold drinks or cold shower, what you have are warm water heated by the sun, and powder bath. using prickly HEAT on you groin areas, you can try. they make you do tatical stuff which i really enjoyed, but not proning on the forest floor, where you are exposed to the muds and maybe red ants if you are unlucky. worse still is you have to put on your camo cream. when you are sweating, your sweat turns green. after a few days, it's trench digging, or digging your sleeping hole. lucky mine was already preformed so i had a easier time. took me at least 4 hours to dig my stupid hole. sleeping in field camp is not for me. i would normaly sleep for an hour, than waking up to find that i am still in field camp and i still have a long time before falling in and i need to go back to sleep. shit feeling is you wont know what will enter you sleeve when you are sleeping.

when you thought you are not going back to the wild, SIT test arrives. back to the wild, eating shit ration food and sleeping in your self made tents again. this test is for leadership skills, to test if you are a leader or not. they make you walk/run 2km every morning. you form you up into different groups so you will never group with your bunk mates. unfamiliar faces to you, but you know they are gonna wayang throughout this SIT test. you sit down discuss on certain mission, and there goes the wayang begins. when you see them wayang, you feel like punching them cause they are irritating. some don't do much, they are selfish, but when come SIT test, they wayang like theres no tomorrow. worse still this people want to sign on as officers. real ass holes, and if they do become officers, SAF must be blind. cause this guys have seriously no potential to become leaders, they are selfish and worse of all, their physical sucks.

coming back from field camp, they will teach you combat fighting doing the " HE, HA" sounds. than you start thinking, will this actually work during war time. worse is combat training with your rifle. you will know when you learn it, it's totally stupid. they make you do many sets, and when you are damn shacked or you feel the latic acid build up. they pump you for sloppy actions. they speak to you in funny acents, something to joke around during your recruits night. they have no life to me.

IPPT is a must pass if you want to go to command school, they train you till you meet your requirement.jump here jump there, run here run there, muscle ache here and there. pull up, everyday also do, running almost everyday do. after IPPT pass, is SOC. obstacle course looks easy but actually damn hard for some. when you do the full run down and running back 600m. the obstacle actually is nothing as compared to the 600m run. it's damn tiring physically and mentally, because you cant see the end point. it's way over at the end of the silly path. but i managed to complete it.

after all the events are over, it's time to relax in the bunk and do bunk cleaning. best is my company can bring in food, so we brought in buscuits, chocolates, potato chips. my friend brought kaya and some even bring the whole carton of red bull (serious). life in the bunk can be boring so you get to create new games out of nothing. wrapped up newspaper with tape to use as a soccer ball. playing sepa tekraw with it also. it's damn fun how our bunk mates think of something to do. during area cleaning, with the beds and the cupboards all messed up. they can play ice and water. running around the bunk making hell lot of noise. thats our bunk spirit, unlike the other bunks, playing yes 93.3 in the bunk doing their own stuff. no life i tell you no life. last few days of BMT, get to prank on others, put toothpaste on their lips ah, stunned their rifle than stripped the weapon, place it all over the bunk. just like playing hide and seek, let the victim go find. it's damn funny la. wanted to do more things at night but damn tired next time i shall try again on whereever i am posted to.

Next and lastly comes your graduation day. you know it's coming but it isn't yet.they make you do the rifle drills and marching, they want you to perfect it, they want you to look good. worse of all, you stand in the sun, listening to them give orders. soon the sun it's first victim. 1 fall out, sooner 2,3,4,5,6,7 and counting. soon the company you see gaps in between as the guy falls out. all you feel like doing now is to POP. but you are in a rehersal, not done yet. they dont rehearse 1 day they do it 3 days. the first and second was bright and sunny, while the third was wet and cold. after rehearsing for 3 days and for 4 hours each, you realise you haven't complete your 24km route march yet. sad to say, another 8 hours of marching until your POP graduation. marching with the stupid field pack, mins and hours pass until you reach your checkpoint. the worse is the last 4km, you will keep thinking that you are about to reach, but actual fact it's still far away. but at last you reach your destination. you change into a new set of clothes and you realise again that you still have at least 45mins of standing in the sun. oh crap. when is the cloud gonna come in you think. but finnaly the finale. you stand there with your caps on your shoulder ready to throw your cap up. the MC shouts, the train soldiers. and you throw you hat, celebrating, jumping like a mad dog, running around doing stupid things. you don't care whether the guess of honour is looking at you, all you do is celebrate. you finally come to a conclusion the BMT is finally over, you are now privates now and you do not have to come back to this island, unless you are damn suay.

For all those who have completed BMT, congrats.
For those waiting to enlist. all i have to say is. "haha recruits, i POP-ed loh!!!"

Good luck for you BMT!! :p

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here are my POP photos

With my sir(PC)

Group picture with my section mates and my neighbour section mates

Me standing in the parade square damn bloody hot sia. stand there like idiot sia

my company in the front. i am located at back right hand corner.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

POP loh!!! became a private yesterday. leave until 23 of march. didnt went back home cause got chalet with my poly mates. long time no see them. managed to catch up with them. they have just finished their exams, some awaiting NS some awaiting Uni.

Back to BMT. well i just completed 24 km route march as well as the parade yesterday. luckily it didnt rain if not my boots will be soaking wet. for the parade it was damn terrible hot, lucky the second half of the parade was cooling. well guess i finally graduated from the hell island, it's time for me to relax and enjoy while i still can.

Saturday, March 7, 2009
7/3/08 2 more nights to POP

just 2 more nights in tekong and i will finally POP. the feeling of graduating from there is awesome. just cant wait for tuesday afternoon. there i will have my well deserve rest and play time. dont know whether i will make it for OCS. but most likely i will go for sargeant course. tomorrow book in 8am sian have to wake up early. cause got graduation parade rehersal. damn boring long and hot rehersal. standing there like an idiot. but it's for the honour and glory of graduating from hell. damn excited.

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○ Buddies Zone ○

toto(my family Joker) my sis (my family Joker) Michelle (my family Joker) Wai Wai (FYP Joker) Bao (FYP Joker) Jack (Real Joker) Chelsea (DBT Jokers) zhi hao (DBT Jokers) Yu Feng (DBT Jokers) Kar Mun & Yan Ming(DBT Jokers) Qi Lu (DBT Jokers) Shirlene (DBT Jokers) Fu Da (DBT Jokers) Roslinda (DBT Jokers) Shi Ling (DBT Jokers) Wan Wei (DBT Jokers) Hui Zhen (DBT Jokers) Malcom (NS BMT Jokers) Melvin (NS BSLC Jokers)

○ Scream Zone ○

○ Events Zone ○

○ 24 Dec to 27 Dec - Penang Holiday
○ 6 Jan 09 - Enlistment date
○ 10 March 09 - Passing Out Parade BMT
○ 1 January 10 - New Year
○22 Feb to 27 Feb - Excercise
○3 March to 14 March - Leave
○1 April - IPPT

○ Past Zone ○

September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 March 2010

○ Credits ○
AvaZeVassyRossa Trademark
designer&basecodes&colors: AvaZeVassyRossa