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○ AhNerd ○
Never Say Never

○○ Real Name: Arnold ○○ Stats: 1.90m, 69.0kg 18.80 BMI Healthy ○○ Army rank: 3rd class Sergeant, BMTC 2 Pegasus Coy, BSLC Kilo Coy, ALSC Juliet Coy, Dragon Coy ○○ Nicknames: Nerd, Sian, Ahnerd, Panjang, long bean ○○ 22 years old ○○ School: Princess Elizabeth Primary-Yishun Town Secondary-Sinapore Polytechnic(Biotechnology) ○○ Hobby:Cycling, playing games, swimming, captain's ball, running, rock climbing, eating ○○ Games currently playing: Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 2 ○○ Looking forward to battlefield bad company 2 ○○ Libra ○○ Year of the rabbit ○○ Damn slacker

~~Th!ngs ! w@nt +0 D0 !n My l!fe~~ ○○ Sky Diving ○○ Bungy Jumping ○○ Camping(not in singapore) ○○ Hiking ○○ Roller Blade Professionally ○○ Teach ○○ play with more guns

~~WiShEs of ThE Nerd~~ ○○ Fix my damn com ○○ Excercise more ○○ Play more ○○ Watch for NS ○○ New no cam Handphone for NS ○○ More Money ○○ Girlfriend ○○ New Graphic Card ○○ build my own com ○○ New monitor Screen ○○ 40 inch FULL HD TV ○○ Semi-Pro camera (10MP) ○○ Playstation Portable ○○ long lasting MP3(I Pod touch)

~~My Dream Computer~~ ○○ GTX 260 ○○ 4GB DDR3 Ram ○○ 2TB Hard drive space ○○ Core i7 3.2Ghz ○○ Razer mouse, logitech G15 keyboard and razer pad ○○ windows 7 ○○ 22" monitor ○○ altec lansing speakers 2.1

~~Achievements~~ ○○ 21km - 2hr33mins ○○ 15km - 1hr40mins ○○ 10km - 56mins ○○ 4km - 20mins ○○ 2.4km - 9.20mins ○○ Napfa - 29 Points ○○ IPPT - GOLD 8.9s SR, 49 SIT UP, 285cm SBJ, 15 pull ups, 9.20mins 2.4 run ○○ SOC(full run down) - 7min 40s

~~Food Recommendation~~
Food Food and more Food

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sianz only get one day off. this week super sian and at the same time super fun. this week did a lot of lessons on GPMG(general purpose machine gun) and on demolition as well. a lot of lessons cramp into one week. well the sian part continues. i am appointed the LPS leading platoon sergeant or platoon IC. i don't know how i fare but i can tell you this. i was damn slack. you can ask my platoon lol. but i manage to do my job properly. just kenna a bit of scolding from my PC platoon commander. dont know about him yet but i think i roughly know his way of working. the sian part is he chose me to be the RSM range sergeant major for GPMG live firing. what does that mean means i am the overall trainee in charge of the live firing excercise. i will be doing most of the co ordination and also sai kang.

Although this week was quite sian, i still manage to catch up with my poly friends. learned that some of them are going into NS soon. what i can say is good luck to them.

Friday, May 22, 2009

wa shiok 1 week of doing nothing and soon i have to enter back into training. haha been playing swimming and doing nothing but play pathetic games on facebook. but shiok, at least i got to do things i never done for so long. the best thing is wednesday graduation. i gonna have a days off i hope. the best is i book out on tuesday night shiok. some more got champions league on wednesday early morning double the shiok. hope MAN U win lol. haha. but the sian part is my computer screen got scratched by the stupid clock. zZ

Here are some of the latest weapons. this one looks damn F***ing cool

This weapon has interchangable barrel. like playing lego. fires NATO 5.56mm rounds as well as AK-47's 7.62mm rounds. can be stripped easily as well as assembly. looks futuristic and deadly as well. adjustable chin rest for comfort. foldable

Saturday, May 16, 2009

POP lo. finished BSLC. now going into ASLC. best thing is my whole section in my bslc is in the same platoon in aslc. our company is just across the road from our old company. but the shit thing is with have to eat the shitty cookhouse 3 food. previously cookhouse was one of the best cookhouse in SAF. seriously we dont mind eating there. everyday the food is always awesome. well the experience in BSLC was quite good. except for some people which i hate.

some people don't deserve to go ocs. but by luck they went in. our company best was so pathetic i cant imagine he is gonna crossover to ocs. not only i disagree with him but the whole company disagree. how they chose him was easy. IPPT must gold, Pass SOC, Peer appraiser must be good. FUCK this shit. physical fitness dosen't mean anything. if u aint born leader, no point if u are fit. u can be trained to be fit. nvm i dont want to talk about this, this is annoying me.

now i have to train harder because i signed on as guards spec. ippt gold need 9.15, but my time only 9.21. so need to train harder if not cannot get gold. well i hope to get below 9mins. if 8.59 i also happy. as long as not so near the 9.15 mark. so happy bslc is over, but still have to go aslc. must dig fire trench. ARGH!!!!!!! but than i should be happy cause my bunk mates are with me.

soon gonna attend the graduation in SP. i think waste of time, but i sure make full use of the time take the event as a gathering for my poly mates. quite shiok cause i get to book out also. SHIOK AH!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

came back from field camp. damn miserable field camp but also quite enjoyable. well let me start with the misery. 1st day b4 field camp got excercise wanderer. got to find checkpoints located inside the "forest" of marichi reservoir. couldn't even find one checkpoint for the whole day. after that we were suppose to move to our field camp side near mandai. suppose to sleep in training shed. but end up sleep in the forest. we waited for the bus like 2 hours. reach camp site about 12 plus. manage to get to sleep around 1 plus.

woke up at 5 to march to our permanent habouring point. walked about 2km with my rifle, vest, helmet, field pack and a metador.total weight about 25kg. marched till my shoulder acheing. reached there put down our bag pack, started to drizzle. bloody sargeant ask us to prone on the wet mud. bloody idiot. started to rain cats and dogs. took out our gortex jacket wore it, and sat there like an idiot in the heavy rain, shivering.sat there like idiots. waiting for the rain to stop. so we waited and waited, pants wet, shirt wet boots also wet. damn miserable. we were suppose to do missions, but i was the last few in my detail so i skipped getting the irritating sargeant. another kind sargeant offered his help to take us so we gladly agreed. he took 8 of us and we finished in less than an hour, for the others 4 person accessed in 4 hours. too bad for them but i didnt care. sleeping place was miserable, we were sleeping on the hill side, sleeping slanted to one side.

second day, i volunteered to become enermy, sit at one position wait for groups to come than fire blanks at them. but the enermy position was damn miserable, mosquito infested and muddy, food ration include, milo, biscuits and oreo for the whole day. me and my friend only had 1 and a half bottle of water. we sat there for 8 hours waiting for groups to pass by and only 3 did. we reached there just before 9, first detail came at 10.30 next one 11.30, the last one came at 4pm. waiting there for 7 to 8 hours in the miserable place, hungry and eager to squeeze the bloody trigger. end up we didnt know we could come back at 12, waited an extra 4 hours for another group to pass by. while waiting for the third group, it poured.

last day going back was the fun part. in the morning we prepared full magzines to fire for all round defense. similating enermy coming. fired 4 full magazines and 1 smoke grenade. damn fun, 60 people shooting at the same time, sound like mini war happening. after that we assemble and return to our bus pick up point. where we waited for the bus for 1 hour. while raining, it rained heavily. shit everyday also rain. but at least i am back here on the com playing my game blogging and finding techno songs. that's life man.

○ Music Zone ○

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○ Buddies Zone ○

toto(my family Joker) my sis (my family Joker) Michelle (my family Joker) Wai Wai (FYP Joker) Bao (FYP Joker) Jack (Real Joker) Chelsea (DBT Jokers) zhi hao (DBT Jokers) Yu Feng (DBT Jokers) Kar Mun & Yan Ming(DBT Jokers) Qi Lu (DBT Jokers) Shirlene (DBT Jokers) Fu Da (DBT Jokers) Roslinda (DBT Jokers) Shi Ling (DBT Jokers) Wan Wei (DBT Jokers) Hui Zhen (DBT Jokers) Malcom (NS BMT Jokers) Melvin (NS BSLC Jokers)

○ Scream Zone ○

○ Events Zone ○

○ 24 Dec to 27 Dec - Penang Holiday
○ 6 Jan 09 - Enlistment date
○ 10 March 09 - Passing Out Parade BMT
○ 1 January 10 - New Year
○22 Feb to 27 Feb - Excercise
○3 March to 14 March - Leave
○1 April - IPPT

○ Past Zone ○

September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 March 2010

○ Credits ○
AvaZeVassyRossa Trademark
designer&basecodes&colors: AvaZeVassyRossa